In 2004 BGS published ‘Bexley Grammar School, a History’ by RD Ackerley.

Robin sadly died in April 2019. Copies of the book are available from the OBA secretary. The school owns the publishing rights and is allowing the OBA to quote from the book here. It covers the period up to 2004. The cover and contents page are shown above. The appendices to Robin’s book are below. Click the RDA link

RDA BGS History Until 2004

You will find lists of Prefects.  Chairs of the Governors, OBA Committee Members, Parents’ Association Committee Members, Headteachers. Champion Houses, Long -Serving Staff and some Pupil Lists, including the 1955 entry. 

The list ends in 2004. Our hope is to add 2005 to the present day in most of the categories.